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hungry?Thanks to Tina Concetta Marzocca.

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here it wanted it....!

somebody (!) wanted to know so here it is...

simple local vegetables

Friday, 31 December 2010

Food and New Years Eve and later....

..Off we go again - another "fest"!
Badly planned by someone - somewhere - too many "fests" in too few days...After this one, or maybe even during it, we'll all make our resolutions for the year to come, the more intelligent of us making resolutions that are either too easy to keep, or too easy to break...!
In Germany - southern Germany anyway, one of the traditional pieces is simple "Kartoffelsalat mit Wurst" depending on the Region cold potato salad either dressed with mayonnaise or dressed with a kind of vinaigrette, and served with "bockwurst" ( a longish sausage which is poached in water) and a good German style mustard.
In other Regions - such as Bavaria, then it is the famous "Weißwurst" (a white sausage made from veal traditionally,  but more often nowadays from pork, poached again in water, drained and served with either sour apple wedges caramelized in butter, or the above mentioned Kartoffelsalat and mustard.
Beer, of course is a must, if possible then the impeccable "poor peoples champagne - Weizenbier" ( a beer made from corn and often containing the yeast residue which is also consumed) - delicious and a real speciality.This particular brewery is world famous but there are others as well, just as good. If the "cloudy" aspect doesn't appeal, there are various clear ones generally called "Kristallweizen" available, as well...After that you'll feel good...!
Of course - in France - the need is for something else. Revolutionary countries need revolutionary things, except at foodtime....then it's back to the good stuff, irrespective of whether they were discovered by my noble aristocratic ancestors - BEFORE they had their heads sliced off.....!
(No - don't worry - this an elderly menu, at a time when OLD French Francs were still in use, so the price actually was 67,50NEW French Francs - around 10euros.....but 6,750 looks good!)
Exceptionally rich, this type of menu is made to make you ill, bearing in mind that it normally all starts at 8pm and doesn't end until around 2am...!
Of course - you can do it all at home and avoid the police controls, the drunken guests (unless you've got some at home) and generally amuse yourself better than outside, and you can go to bed when YOU wish to.....!
All in all, the British (so far as I'm aware) don't have anything special for the event nor do the Americans, and not even "Google" can help me there...!'s+dishes&spell=1&biw=1360&bih=632
Possibly fish in some form or other, but all I see is eggs and bacon and bean's and chips.......!
If any of my readers have some suggestions - please do let us all know!
Of course, there is always the New Year's Eve Buffet...something which takes care of New Year's Day as simply is topped up and replenished ......!

Here's the page with all sorts of places to go and get some inspiration......'s+Eve+Buffet&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
Personally, I'll be partaking of the "Weißwurst" version in spite of the fact that I can't get any "poor people's champagne" Revolutionary France....!
The main thing is that you all enjoy whatever you eat and drink, and that you all realise that it's only yet another year that has gone by..... just one minute.......!

(iwmpop) mr le marquis     -   30600, Vauvert, France  -   Décembre/Janvier 2010/2011

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METEO chez moi-Bei mir-my zone

This is what it's doing right now....or nearly! Go with your mouse to the image and click....

Lecker...Tasty... Appétissante

Des bonnes choses - de presque partout...! Leckereien von fast Uberall...! Tasty things from almost everywhere...! *********
European Goodies...! Slideshow: Mr’s trip from France to Europe (near Dieuze, Lorraine) was created by TripAdvisor. See another Dieuze slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.
******* iwmpop (mr le marquis)- Vauvert, France - Janvier 2011