Easter (also called the Pasch or Pascha) is a Christian .......(click for connection)........
but first let's define Easter-time...........
Germany it starts, as in
France, on the Thursday before the Sunday of Easter - Church mess is about all, but in
UK this day is called
Maundy Thursday:
The Friday following is
Good Friday, normally a "holiday" which doesn't stop the
French shops from being open!
The Saturday, so far as I am aware, free to stock up on food, glorious food as follows, maybe;
(you must buy for Sunday and Monday as well, since even the French shops close down, at least from Mid-day!)
Our menus are "International" due to our history and origins!Good Friday (tomorrow is as follows):
Cocktail des gambas (big shrimps in cocktail sauce)
Truite arc-en-ciel meunière (rainbow trout) with steamed new potatoes
Fromages (cheese)
For Sunday, I'll publish a new article on Friday/Saturday.........
Can you wait.....?
mr le marquis du Galipot........... |