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hungry?Thanks to Tina Concetta Marzocca.

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here it wanted it....!

somebody (!) wanted to know so here it is...

simple local vegetables

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

 Oh yes - I remember these well....!
ration -
 We called it 'Compo'
(Composite rations)
all in tins or packets,
and some of it was damned
 I recall in particular
 File:Lancashire hotpot.jpg this -
 'Lancashire Hotpot', but real -
with mutton...!
a meal you can
prepare fresh and put on before
on a low, low heat -
 it's ready when you come home!
There was also 'Treacle pudding,
 or my absolute favourit
 'Apricot pudding'
.......There was a little tin opener
in each pack, and other
bits and pieces like chocolate
and boiled sweets to suck -
 in the trenches! Didn't have
any tripe though!
I recall, when attached to
 the French,
they had little packs of 5
Gauloises cigarettes
 which gave me the taste!

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The American variety were
sometimes doted with a
kind of magnesium/sulphur
 strip which,
 when pulled off,
heated up the contents.....
was a novelty!
Of course, this was all
intended for
emergency rationing,
but often had to be used in
kitchens for 'turnaround'
although I recall cartons
dated 1912
from the war of 14/18 -
still perfectly good!
Bread was not often
except in the form of
hard pumpernickel or wafers,
and eggs had to be stolen from
 the local farmer!

(the presence of Tea tells you which
this came from!)
Although we quite enjoyed this stuff,
for a while,
we were always happy to get back
to base and
fresh daily provisions.....
at the time, the one thing everybody
went for on return was,
of course, bacon and Eggs...
(this link goes through
all the typical meals in one day
except this one.....
Second breakfast 
(or zweites Frühstück
Drugie śniadanie
is a meal eaten after breakfast
before lunch
It is traditional in Bavaria, and in 
In Bavaria or Poland, 
special dishes are made exclusively 
to be eaten during second breakfast. 
In Vienna and most other parts of 
Austria the 
second breakfast is referred to as Jause.[1
]It is typical to eat four to five meals 
a day in these locations)....
 even myself - probably why -
I'm cardiac nowadays!
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METEO chez moi-Bei mir-my zone

This is what it's doing right now....or nearly! Go with your mouse to the image and click....

Lecker...Tasty... Appétissante

Des bonnes choses - de presque partout...! Leckereien von fast Uberall...! Tasty things from almost everywhere...! *********
European Goodies...! Slideshow: Mr’s trip from France to Europe (near Dieuze, Lorraine) was created by TripAdvisor. See another Dieuze slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.
******* iwmpop (mr le marquis)- Vauvert, France - Janvier 2011