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Follow mrlemarquis on Twitter If you want to make a comment but can't find the "make a comment" box, which keeps on disappearing, just send it either to twitter, facebook or to me at: , and I'll maybe publish it for you....Only said maybe....! Here's the latest one: (Who IS this guy called Keith.....) "I just wanted to leave a comment to say that (from personal experience), although you get a bit stinky for the first few weeks, after that you don't get any stinkier! And those olives do look nice, don't they? All the best" Keith

hungry?Thanks to Tina Concetta Marzocca.

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For some time, you can follow links chosen by mr le marquis and presented on "Twitter". These links are intended to inform and amuse you - every day, or nearly, new ones ....Try it out! It's just above...
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here it wanted it....!

somebody (!) wanted to know so here it is...

simple local vegetables

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


  summertime and the livin' is easy.....? Whover thought that wasn't the one who had to do the grilling outside!
A mixture of things which need different cooking times, all on one cooking platform and a very fierce one too! Not easy to get everything 'a point' as it should be.....sardines well overcooked, chicken 'rare', hamburgers name it, you get it!
Start with the actual 'barbecues' ..... I've had various, from the simple  useful particularly for simple affairs, passing by the more refined, gas powered, lava stone affairs, needing someone with strong arms to cart the gas bottle  as well as everything else, and up to the luxury models which are almost more luxurious than home kitchens and can't be moved around to picnics  I also had a traditional one from here which was very good, if rather large  but you could make (God forbid) pizzas and had a baking oven. You still needed the charcoal, of course,  but the gas and lava stone ones are quite reasonable  The flames are probably the most attractive part of any barbeque, and the smoke the least! In Germany they have a thing called a 'Schwenkgrill', a simple affair, but very different and they are very enjoyable to play with. The fire bit can be on the ground or on a 'container'and you pull the chain to make the circular roasting grill go around, this gives it heat all over. It also fascinates French children in particular!
If you're really intelligent, then you prepare the whole lot - marinaded and so on, present it in its natural state, and let your guests get on with it! That way it's their own fault if it's burnt!
 (guaranteed raw on the inside....!)

So far as marinading is concerned I'll deal with that another time.
There are different ways of marinading for different products, for the next time around.....

Bonne Appétit!
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Lecker...Tasty... Appétissante

Des bonnes choses - de presque partout...! Leckereien von fast Uberall...! Tasty things from almost everywhere...! *********
European Goodies...! Slideshow: Mr’s trip from France to Europe (near Dieuze, Lorraine) was created by TripAdvisor. See another Dieuze slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.
******* iwmpop (mr le marquis)- Vauvert, France - Janvier 2011