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hungry?Thanks to Tina Concetta Marzocca.

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here it wanted it....!

somebody (!) wanted to know so here it is...

simple local vegetables

Thursday 2 September 2010

(Solanum tuberosum)..Mystérieuse - Rätselhaft...Mysterious..

So - lassen Sie uns über etwas sprechen die Wir ALLE kennen - sehr gut, sogar...
"Solanum tuberosum"- Was Meinen Sie...? Sie kennen das NICHT...? Aber Sich ja - doch...
OK - let's talk about something we ALL know - very well, indeed -  
"Solanum tuberosum" - What do you mean - never heard of it....?
Tiens - on va parler de quelque chose que tous le monde connaît, même très bien -
"Solanum tuberosum"  - Qu'est-ce que vous dites...? Vous ne connaissez pas... Mais oui...
Google shows only "Environ 10, 900, 000 résultats (0,19 secondes)" - so maybe you don't know what it is after all! Yet, strangely enough you're in contact with it almost every day, in some form or other...even so, with around  "Environ 7, 600, 000 résultats"
(0,25 secondes) for recipes and ways of cooking it, you probably only know at maximum 
around 5 or 10, with particularly 3-5 being the immediate ones that spring to mind.
So - what is this versatile thing...?
Firstly, I must give the Nr 1 place - world wide- possibly surprising to you, for the quality 
and variety of production to Germany! Ireland probably has or had the Nr 1 place for quantity, 
but with a lack of variety, and after the blight not even for quantity.
AH - you're saying - I'm beginning to understand...!
Well of course, we're talking about the humble:


Just as rice is the staple diat for many millions of people world wide, for the Northern 
Hemisphere in particular it is this tubular delicacy - with the possible exception of Italy, 
who prefer to battle their way through platefuls of pasta, spaghetti with tomato sauce,
ready to be dropped down the front of your clean white shirt....! 
One says that a certain Sir Walter Raleigh discovered it on one of his tourist outings,
somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere, and offered it to his Queen, had great 
good fortune, NOT to be beheaded, and was immediately sent off on another tourist
trip, where he finally found something useful - Tobacco!
What we rarely know, however, is that this humble thing was considered, in many 
Royal Courts of Europe, and by the Churches, Religions (who love to spoil anything
that everybody enjoys) over many years as "Poisonous" - a risk to the mortal body,
and (knowing the Clergy) probably his soul.

After all this monster was consumed primarily by some South American indians, 
heathens- ready to take over our souls....!
Here is a little extract to explain, although I think that the  name of the South American 
place accepted as the origin of the potato had something to do with it as well - 
the name was "Titicaca"...!
From "":
"When the potato was first introduced, acceptance did not come so easy. This may partly have been due to the fact that people recognized their relationship with other nightshade plants, and at that time Europeans were not familiar with edible species of nightshades. This family includes plants that were associated with witchcraft, magic and poisonous plants: henbane, thornapple, belladonna and mandrake were familiar and feared medieval herbs that were used for mostly dubious purposes. A Scottish clergyman deemed the potato unfit for human consumption on the grounds that it had not been mentioned in the Bible. Negative remarks from such authoritative sources as the Swiss botanist Caspar Bauhin, who declared that potatoes cause wind, leprosy and supposedly would 'incite Venus', only reinforced the habitual reluctance to accept a novel food among the peasantry."
(here are a couple of links to browse through):
(interesting site in general)
(The potato museum)
Potato party underground..

If it hadn't been for natural hunger (since Bibles were long to cook, tough to
eat and not very satisfying) together with the natural rebellious nature of the 
Irish personality, the Potatoe would probably never have achieved fame.
Imagine - McDonalds without french fries.........
I'm not going to give any recipes, there are so many, just cook them as you wish - 
they'll be edible....or try "Google!
best mashed potato
640 × 480 - 81 ko - jpg
Smashed Potatoes
545 × 365 - 87 ko - jpg
potatoes recipes
400 × 300 - 77 ko - jpg
Recipe from Church
640 × 425 - 37 ko - jpg
So - you see - even you, with such humble beginnings can become something....!

BUT - please don't all want to become the same thing.......!

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Lecker...Tasty... Appétissante

Des bonnes choses - de presque partout...! Leckereien von fast Uberall...! Tasty things from almost everywhere...! *********
European Goodies...! Slideshow: Mr’s trip from France to Europe (near Dieuze, Lorraine) was created by TripAdvisor. See another Dieuze slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.
******* iwmpop (mr le marquis)- Vauvert, France - Janvier 2011